The Power of Words
Starting Each Day With A Little Thinking...Awareness
So do you buy in to the concept of “Ignorance is Bliss”? I certainly don’t. Sure it can make things easier. However, only through awareness are we going to be able to have a real impact.
The challenge many of us face is that we’re so focused on the task(s) at hand, we do not take the time to really observe all that is going on around us. We have bought in to the “keep your head down, work harder, and it’ll all be fine” mentality. And that does work. Sometimes.
However, if you’re looking to elevate your game to the next level, you’re going to have to figure out a way to involve the world and those in the world around you. You’re going to have to focus on becoming more aware. More aware of your immediate environment. More aware of what’s going on in the world. More aware of what you are feeling. More aware of the impact you can and do have.
Only when we improve our awareness do we make the real impacts.
With that in mind:
How’s your awareness?
As always, thanks for the time.
Blog Challenge – Day 9
Today we start Act 2 of the blog challenge. Here Natalie’s going to help us focus on building our business. As with Act 1, you have got to start with a vision. Hence, today’s prompt:
- Whose online business do you admire most and why?
My first thought here was to focus on Pat Flynn over at I found Pat at the beginning of 2013 and have digested all of his podcasts and blog posts since that point in time. Pat provides a huge wealth of knowledge, seems to be a really nice guy, and has helped me immensely. Thanks Pat! However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I don’t “admire” his business in the sense of wanting to emulate/model it. In particular, Pat’s focused on helping people to build their on-line business. While that’s great, my picture of a business is to help folks outside of simply how to build their online business. Side note here, in addition to Pat, you should check out Caleb, Chase, and Corbett over at “The Fizzle Show” podcast for some additional great ideas on how to build your business. These guys put out a weekly show that’s both insightful and fun. Although a warning up front, they can be a bit irreverent (and funny as hell!) from time to time.
So if it’s not Pat, who? After racking my brain for a minute, I came to the conclusion that the business I most admire on-line is that of Seth Godin. I only stumbled on to his blog a couple of months back; however, I’ve come to look forward to his daily posts. He provides thought provoking insights each day that make me evaluate how I’m doing things. While I don’t change each day as a result of his posts, I do make subtle shifts from his influence. That’s a model that I’d love to emulate!
Now there’s a bit of irony here. I have absolutely no idea as to how Seth monetizes his business and/or how he even structures his business! That’s quite amusing given how much of a “facts and data guy” I am: the guy I most admire is based on feel versus data?!?!?! Probably a good yin to my yang that’s driving the appeal!
The next two step here are very obvious:
- Spend some time researching Seth’s business model to understand what he has built.
- Evaluate the model for potential opportunities for me to emulate (although I’m not shaving my head anytime soon!)
If you want some more information on the challenge, check out the post on day nine at:
Short and sweet ….
Things get a little crazy with the pace of life these days. And, as a result, we sometimes forget to take the time to let folks around us know how much we appreciate them.
With that in mind
Have you taken the time lately to tell someone that you appreciate them?
As always, thanks for the time.
Anyone who knows me, knows that when it comes to music I got the major short end of the stick. Back in grade school, they wouldn’t even let me try to play an instrument. You could describe me as the “musical spaz” and I would not be offended!
So why am I quoting “Five for Fighting” today? Because their song “Chances” provides some absolutely wonderful insights. There are four lines in the song that are incredibly insightful:
- Chances are when said and done who’ll be the lucky ones who make it all the way?
- Afraid to love beyond what I can lose when it comes to you
- Until you crash what have you done? Is there a better bet than love?
- Chances are only what we make them and all I need
While we normally associate love songs with two people, I think these guys provide food for thought for something more. They speak to the dreams that each of us have inside of us. The dreams that we are too afraid to pursue for fear of falling. Why?
With that in mind:
When was the last time you took a chance?
As always, thanks for the time.
(You can find the song here, and the lyrics here).
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