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The Power of Words

Starting Each Day With A Little Thinking...


Two things come to mind with the word impact.  The first is “collision” — there was quite an impact when the two players crashed together.  The second is “influence” — what he said had a lasting impact on me.  I’d argue that the best way to make a difference is to combine both of these concepts.

While I love my rational thinking, reality is most people make their decisions with their gut/heart versus their mind.  To get them moving you have to target their emotions.  You have to present an idea that resonates.  One that generates that feeling deep in the stomach almost as if they’d been punched, almost as there had been an actual impact.  But it’s enough to trigger just the shock value.  You have to make sure that whatever you present has the potential to stay with them for a long time.  To have that lasting impact.  Combine these two elements:  touching on the emotion + providing long term value and you will be well on your way to helping people learn, grow and live better.

With that in mind:

Are you enough out of the box to actually have an impact?

As always, thanks for the time.

Blog Challenge Day 11

Yesterday Natalie had us identify the various ways that we might earn revenue in our on-line business.  Today she takes it a bit further and asks us to consider potential business models.  She breaks the concept of a business model down in to two dimensions.  The first is “type of product” with alternatives being “yourself” or “other people’s stuff” and the second be “type of revenue stream” with the alternatives being “active” or “residual”.  It’s a nice schema — kind of like Covey’s urgency versus importance 2 x 2 grid.  Today’s prompt is:


  • Which business model is best for you and what one revenue stream is most feasible?


First, I’m going to go a bit esoteric / draw a parallel to Covey.  I think the “quadrant 2” equivalent for the entrepreneur is “yourself” and “residual”.  As with Covey, if we focus on this quadrant, long term we’re going to have a lot more success.  Side note here — Covey suggests that focusing on non-urgent, important tasks (quadrant 2 as he calls them) is the key to success.  I agree totally.

So what’s feasible for me.  Well certainly I’m 100% on board with the idea of selling “me” versus “other people’s stuff”.  The big challenge is on the active versus residual.  The temptation is going to be to go after the active items.  Unfortunately that’s not the best long term solution — long term I need to get to the residual streams.  Fortunately as I evaluate the products I flagged yesterday (e-books, e-courses, coaching, keynote addresses, and cross marketing) there’s a high “residual” content.  The key’s going to be “keeping the end in mind” (Covey again) and making sure that at each step of the process the long term, residual income potential is evaluated and the immediate/active income producing activity is structured to convert to the long term/residual.  A good principle to follow in my mind!

If you want some more information on the challenge, check out the post on day eleven at:


30 day challenge


For me it’s all about trying to make a difference.  And making a difference involves impacting other folks.  That requires that you help them in some way, shape, or form.  Which brings us to today’s topic: share.

I can’t think of any bigger compliment than “He shares so much great information that helps me so much!”.  Suppose that at the end of each day there was one person some place that said this about you.  How would that make you feel knowing that you had an impact on someone else?

I’ll be updating my personal aspirations page with this concept.

With that in mind:

Who’d you share with today?

As always, thanks for the time.

Blog Challenge Day 10

Today Natalie’s got us down in the weeds again – the focus is on how we’ll actually make money with our online business:

What are the key ways in which you want to make money online in your chosen business?

This one’s a bit challenging as I don’t have a business per se established as of yet!  However, I do have a model in mind on how to monetize the online presence.  Based on that model, there’s several ways that I see to monetize my on-line presence.  They build on each other / they will not all “hit” day one.  Rather, it will require continued “feeding” of the content machine AND continued networking to build by audience/supporters:


  • E-Books.  Pulling together the information that I’ve learned over my 18 years in the workplace should yield a solid collection of marketable material.  The first e-books will be free to “prime the pump” / fill the pipeline of supporters.
  • E-Courses / webinars.  Leveraging this same information in an on-line course is a second opportunity.  Using them both live and recording for future use provides opportunity.  Again, it’s likely that many of the early webinars will be free to build the audience.
  • Coaching & consulting.  Working “one on one” or with businesses offers a third opportunity.  Sitting down with folks that I meet, finding out about them and their businesses, and having open “brain storming” sessions with them will provide practice in this area until I can monetize.
  • Keynote addresses.  As I build my credibility, the opportunity to charge for speaking engagements becomes more realistic.  Early on, free speeches will help build my credibility.
  • Cross marketing.  I’m formally licensed and trained as a financial planner.  As I help folks in the “learning, growing, living” space, it’s entirely possible that the topic of financial independence/ financial security will arise.  The trust I build via the on-line/in person interactions has the potential to translate to a formal working relationship in the area of financial planning.


There are two keys to the above:  content and networking.  Both have been identified in the earlier steps of the blog challenge; and, accordingly, the key is now execution!


If you want some more information on the challenge, check out the post on day ten at:


30 day challenge