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No, I’m not going to talk about the “bubbly school girl” sort of enthusiasm — that’s just plain annoying!  However, I’m guessing that most of us have someone(s) in their life that is always upbeat, always on, always seeing the...


It’s easier to stay in the background and throw rocks or poke holes.  It’s a lot hard to step up and own something.  When you step forward and claim ownership, you’ve put the bulls eye squarely on your back.  There’s no doubt about who’s...


Sometimes it’s just plain hard to push forward.  You’re tired, frustrated, and on the verge of saying “enough”  Some crumble when faced with this adversity.  Others seem to use this adversity as a springboard to greater things.  The only...


Dreaming is a good thing.  After all, without dreamers we would never have made the progress as a society that we have.  And yet there’s an awful connotation associated with the moniker “dreamer”.  Why is that? Is it because we’re afraid of...


Do you know the definition of an expert?   It’s someone fifty miles from home with a briefcase.  Hopefully that elicited a bit of a snicker from you.  However, I’m trying to make a point here — experts are pretty easy to come by and rarely as...


Wouldn’t it be great to wake up in the morning and have absolutely nothing to do?  Not a care in the world?  And do this day, after day, after day?  Maybe not… While most of us would be well served to work on balance in our lives, going...