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It’s interesting how certain words immediately trigger a flurry of thoughts and emotions.  Leap is one such word.  The connotations associated with leap include:  a big effort, a chasm to be crossed, danger, fearlessness, activity.  It’s a word that is...


My youngest daughter has two small stuffed animals. The first is “Penggy” a small stuffed penguin.  I got if for her the day she was born.  The second is “Helping Puppy” a small stuffed dog I got for her the day she had the biopsy to confirm...


Mr. Webster starts his definition of submit with “accept or yield to a superior force”.  How ironic… Each of us perceives that we are in complete control of our own lives.  That there is no superior force out there to submit to.  Yet there’s...


Cold, hard, fact: Business is about making money.  Yes, you should be working in a profession that you enjoy; and, ideally, you should never feel like you have a job.  However, that does not change the fact that business is about making a dollar.  Some folks think...


Here’s a secret — ain’t nobody going to get out of this life alive.  And the corollary to that secret is that at some point in time in the future you will look back on what you accomplished and what you wish you would have done.  And when you look...