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It’s interesting to reflect on the collective psyche of the US.  If we go way back to 1776 we encounter a bunch of scallywags (my Grandpa loved that word so I’m using it in memory of him) that wanted freedom from the Brits (no offense intended to my...


“I’m a ‘B’ student”, “I could never shoot that score on the golf course”, “That job’s too hard for me”, “I couldn’t retire early”. While you may not have uttered any of the above...


Did you ever encounter a situation where you just shake your head at the absurdity of moment?  I’m talking about those times when you look at what is going on, clearly recognize that there is no way it’s going to work, and wonder what in the heXX the...


With the hustle and bustle of each day, we sometimes forget to “stop and smell the roses”.  That’s too bad as there are an awful lot of things around worth admiring:   Our kid’s passion for life The sacrifice that our service members make...


When I hear “forward” two things pop to mind immediately.  The first is a “good” —  the word has a positive connotation that immediately causes me to “perk up”.  The second is “motion” — I see a shark...