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It’s easier to stay in the background and throw rocks or poke holes.  It’s a lot hard to step up and own something.  When you step forward and claim ownership, you’ve put the bulls eye squarely on your back.  There’s no doubt about who’s responsible.  There’s no doubt about who’s at risk.  And there’s no doubt about who has the opportunity to reap the rewards.

For most the only thing standing in the way of ownership is fear.  And predominantly fear of our old friend failure.  My wife’s got a favorite Dr. Seuss quote:


  • Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened


The next time fear grips you and you avoid stepping forward and taking ownership, think about the good Doctors quote.  So what if you fail?  You’ll probably have had a great experience that provided you with a smile or two.

With that in mind:

Why are you letting tears and fear keep you from being a smiling owner?

As always, thanks for the time.