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Today Natalie’s got us down in the weeds again – the focus is on how we’ll actually make money with our online business:

What are the key ways in which you want to make money online in your chosen business?

This one’s a bit challenging as I don’t have a business per se established as of yet!  However, I do have a model in mind on how to monetize the online presence.  Based on that model, there’s several ways that I see to monetize my on-line presence.  They build on each other / they will not all “hit” day one.  Rather, it will require continued “feeding” of the content machine AND continued networking to build by audience/supporters:


  • E-Books.  Pulling together the information that I’ve learned over my 18 years in the workplace should yield a solid collection of marketable material.  The first e-books will be free to “prime the pump” / fill the pipeline of supporters.
  • E-Courses / webinars.  Leveraging this same information in an on-line course is a second opportunity.  Using them both live and recording for future use provides opportunity.  Again, it’s likely that many of the early webinars will be free to build the audience.
  • Coaching & consulting.  Working “one on one” or with businesses offers a third opportunity.  Sitting down with folks that I meet, finding out about them and their businesses, and having open “brain storming” sessions with them will provide practice in this area until I can monetize.
  • Keynote addresses.  As I build my credibility, the opportunity to charge for speaking engagements becomes more realistic.  Early on, free speeches will help build my credibility.
  • Cross marketing.  I’m formally licensed and trained as a financial planner.  As I help folks in the “learning, growing, living” space, it’s entirely possible that the topic of financial independence/ financial security will arise.  The trust I build via the on-line/in person interactions has the potential to translate to a formal working relationship in the area of financial planning.


There are two keys to the above:  content and networking.  Both have been identified in the earlier steps of the blog challenge; and, accordingly, the key is now execution!


If you want some more information on the challenge, check out the post on day ten at:


30 day challenge