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To your co-worker – why can’t you just do your job and quit asking questions?  To your kid – why does everything have to be an argument with you?   To your wife — yeah right, like I’m going to give an example for that one!!!! Hopefully...

Blog Challenge – Day 1

As the old song goes “I get by with a little help from my friends”.  A month or so back I came across a site called “The Suitcase Entrepreneur”.  The author focuses on building an on-line business that you can take anywhere in the world.  While...


If only…  Not a good way to end the day!  Each day we face multiple challenges and are offered new opportunities.  Each day we make choices to take on some of these challenges and opportunities while letting others slide by.  And at the end of each day we often...


There are three different concepts that come to mind when I hear “vision”.  The first and most obvious concept is your eye sight.  We often take this form of vision for granted; however, without it, many of us would be lost.  The second concept is that of...


Culturally we are programmed to value the “rugged independence” mentality.  The view that if you work hard enough, you can accomplish anything on your own.  And I certainly believe in the importance of hard work and the ability to influence your own future.  However,...