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Blog Challenge Day 17

Today Natalie asks us to think about our on-line reputation:   What three steps can you take to build trust and credibility online for you, your brand and your business?   Lost of possibilities here.  Think I’ll go with: Back on Day 6 of the...


When I hear traction I immediately think of tires and slip-sliding around.  There’s normally two reasons that I don’t get traction in my car:   I haven’t properly invested in the tires or they’re too worn to gain traction. The tires...

Blog Challenge Day 16

Today Natalie has us looking to the future:   How will you build a team around your vision and work smart instead of hard?   This one’s not too bad for me given my experiences — I own a Subway franchise that’s over 500 miles from where I...


Words are interesting things.  Each has a connotation and a denotation.  Many times the two are closely aligned, sometimes they are different as a result of the social norms influence on the word/concept over time.  Naïve is one such word.  Mr. Webster offers three...

Blog Challenge Day 15

A few weeks ago when I first heard of the blog challenge, I was intrigued but skeptical.  I figured that it would be a peer support group where we all did our own thing and encouraged each other.  Boy was I wrong!  Today’s the half way point in the challenge and...