Today we’re going to have a lesson in physics! Now don’t worry, I’m not going to make you write down any equations or challenge you to perform any experiments (except of course for the “standard” question experiment at the end of today’s post).
One of the first concepts you learn about in physics is friction. And right away they tell you there are two different friction coefficients: the coefficient of static friction and the coefficient of moving friction. For the non-techies out there, this is about the time when the eyes glaze over and/or panic ensues. Fear not, physics is the study of the common things around us and this one is “obvious”.
What physics teaches us is that when we are “static” or not moving, it takes a lot more energy to get moving than it does when we are already in motion. And of course in physics there’s a whole series of equations that describes the situation. Fortunately, in out day-to-day life, the equation is much simpler, easier to understand, and intuitive:
It’s a lot easier to continue doing something than it is to start doing something
That “equation” gives rise to a corollary that helps us to move from an equation to a concept that we can act on readily:
It takes a bit more energy to start things in motion; and, once in motion, the required energy to stay in motion is reduced.
Yes it’s hard to get started, but if we can find the energy to get moving it becomes a lot easier.
With that in mind:
Can you find a little bit of extra energy today to overcome the friction that’s getting in the way of you learning, growing, and living more fully?
As always, thanks for the time.
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