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Today Natalie’s asking us about our actual web presence:


  • What three things would you most like your website to have and how will you go about getting them?


Well, first I’ll need to launch my actual “business” web site.  However, that won’t be difficult at all through the wonders of WordPress.  As I’m early in the process, in my opinion, it’s all about building an audience.  The key is to transform from simply appealing to the intellectual to somehow triggering the emotional in the folks that come to the website.  Therefore, let’s go with:

  • A solid, memorable logo + name/call to action that is catchy.  These will be the basis of “my brand”.  This one deserves a good chunk of my time.  This one should come pretty directly out of reviewing the previous responses in the blog challenge with a special emphasis on my USP.  I also plan on running through the post Natalie mentioned on “laser focus” and see what I’m missing.
  • A set of “roll through” pictures that speak to the ideal world / better state that I’ll be looking to help folks find.  Each image has to evoke emotion and suggest action.  I need the visuals to tie in to the call to action / drive the connection.  I’ll likely look to have my wife Sonya and daughter Casey help out here.  They’re good with picture and visuals / they’ll do a better job than I ever could!
  • An e-mail opt in option.  Getting folks to the page, but not capturing their information would be a bit pointless!  The how here is to do my research on Mail Chip and A-Weber, see which one makes the most sense, and add an opt in option to the web page.

Pretty basic stuff, but that’s OK.  Start with the fundamentals and build from there.

If you want some more information on the challenge, check out the post on day thirteen at:


30 day challenge