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There’s no better way to brighten your day than by doing something nice for someone else.  And that’s the essence of kindness.  Much like courage — which I define as putting one’s self at risk for the good of someone else — kindness is “referential”.  Think about it for a minute.  If everyone took the time out to bring chicken soup to their sick friends, would the act of bringing chicken soup still be considered kind?  What about if everyone ran in to burning buildings to save the baby, would that act still be seen as courageous or just normal?  Finally, what about MLK standing up for the rights of people back in the 60’s, is standing up for your rights still considered courageous?  This last example shows why courage and kindness matter — if you step up in either area, you can and will make a difference in the world.  In the civil rights space, there’s still a long way to go before we get to where we need to be.  However, if Dr. King had not had the courage to push the envelope, we likely would not be where we are today.

In the kindness space, there’s two that come to mind immediately.  The first is Mother Teresa.  While there’s some debate on what she did and did not do, there’s little doubt that her displays of kindness changed the world.  The second example is right there in front of us — Mom!  Most Mom’s are that kind soul that are always there to comfort us.  They provide the security and reinforcement that allows us to grow.  That’s a pretty big influence in my book.

With that in mind:

What act of kindness will you perform today?

As always, thanks for the time.