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In Steven Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” he shares that “All things are created twice.  First mentally then physically”.  Think about that for a moment.  While he doesn’t suggest that thinking WILL make a new...

Nothing is Something

Up at 6.  To work by 8.  Home at 5.  Kid’s ball games at 6.  Pay the bills at 9.  Bed at 10.  Repeat. DaXX I’m tired and don’t have any energy! With the pace of the world today, day’s go by very quickly.  They’re filled with a plethora of...

Good, Bad, or “It Depends”

Break.  What immediately comes to mind? I took a break from work.  Did you break your arm?  A quick search on the internet shows over 100 different ways to use this one word.  My guess is that when some of you saw the word you went the “noun” route, while...

Networking and 6 Degrees of Separation….

We all know that networking is critical to success in “The 29% Solution”, Ivan R. Misner and Michelle R. Donovan highlight 52 weekly activities, 10 key traits, and 10 key questions to learn that will help you to achieve higher levels of success.  They...


As someone once pointed out to me, we live in an “AND” world and not an “OR” world.  Be it non-work or work related, each of us struggles on a daily basis to balance the “AND’s” of this world:  Spouses, children, religion, family, AND hobbies.  Quality AND...