In Steven Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” he shares that “All things are created twice. First mentally then physically”. Think about that for a moment. While he doesn’t suggest that thinking WILL make a new reality, he does suggest that WITHOUT a vision the new reality will not emerge.
An affirmation is a positive statement about what you are or will be. For example one of my affirmations is “I have an established fitness schedule that I adhere to regularly”. Does that mean that I accomplish this every day? No. However, I do my very best to review my affirmations daily; AND, as a result (i.e. since I started using the concept of affirmations), I do a much better job than I had previously. Simply taking the time to right down the vision and review it daily provides the trigger to make the change. I’ll spare you the detail on why it works — lots of science behind this. For now just accept that Mr. Covey is a very wise man who provided some great guidance with his “All things twice” approach.
What’s stopping you from taking the taking the time to write down what you will be when you grow up and reviewing this on a daily basis?
As always, thanks for the time.
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